Rep. Friske is publicly announcing his disapproval over Michigan’s upcoming $81 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2024. Last week, 17 appropriations bills for the budget passed the House on party-line votes.
“It’s bad enough that this is the biggest and most expansive budget in Michigan history,” said Rep. Friske. “But House Democrats have also injected far-left ideology and policy into something that should be as simple as funding our state to keep things running. All semblance of balance has been abandoned. Not a single Republican amendment was adopted.”
While the bills provide massive funding for all state departments, the bills also included a vast array of policy dictations and mandates that must be followed if the departments wish to keep running.
“Vaccine mandates, racially based grant programs, and policies that turn a blind eye if teachers coerce students into getting abortions are just a few of the left-wing dogmas that were carelessly thrown into the budget, and our constituents want answers as to why,” Friske said. “They want their budget to have dollars and cents, not thoughts and opinions.”
Rep. Friske, along with all of his Republican colleagues, voted no on all 17 department budget bills.
“Republicans must remain united and opposed to this waste of taxpayer money,” urged Rep. Friske. “We have remained united so far, and we must continue to stand together against the left-wing agenda as we continue to urge our Democrat colleagues to come to common sense solutions.”

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